- Ce sujet contient 95 réponses, 16 participants et a été mis à jour pour la dernière fois par
mcgeezer, le il y a 4 années et 5 mois.
11 mai 2017 à 22 h 35 min #3523
- Level 9
- Messages : 978
Il s’agit d’un moteur style Wonderboy In Monster Lair (en auto scroll avec suivi de trajectoire).
Je fais tout : code, gfx, music au moins on est sur qu’il sortira un jour :)
J’en parle également ici :
Affaire à suivre.
Team Apollo
3 octobre 2020 à 9 h 30 min #100103
- Level 4
- Messages : 126
@mcgeezer I don’t see the point of banning people from EAB if the remaining users and moderators keep using a very rude language.
I just red the advice of BippyM inviting anyone who sympathize with Gibs to « do one ». If I’m correct this means « piss off » ?
Even though Gibs has an undeniable talent to put the interwebs on fire, what is your plan to keep EAB a safe place for the Amiga community if you go on with referring people (including the ones who might deserve it 10 times) as you did lately (“dickhead”, “horrible bastard”…) ?
tldr; Even if Gibs is a pest, the overall tone of your recent posts on EAB doesn’t make you guys look better, in my opinion, and that makes me sad.
www.astrofra.com | fra.planet-d.net
3 octobre 2020 à 9 h 53 min #100105k1200rs21 (RetroMiga)
- Level 8
- Messages : 682
vive Amiga !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
je vais rien dire de plus, pas envie qu’il y est de la manipulation sur mes mots
bonne journée
Un Amiga fonctionnel s'est un Amiga avec au minimum 4 à 8 mo fast un disque dur ou équivalent aos 3.1 a 3.2.... pour du whdload donc utilisation du multi bouton dessus
3 octobre 2020 à 10 h 51 min #100109mcgeezer
- Level 1
- Messages : 22
« do one » generally means, « get lost », or « go away ». If you wanted to tell someone to « piss off » you would tell them simply to « piss off ».
I don’t run the EAB so it’s not my job to come up with a plan.
The reason for my intervention here is because the EAB thread is linked here, and anyone looking at this thread would think that Mr. Gibs has been harshly treated when in fact that is simply not the case.
I offered to facilitate to help remove all of the content but Mr Gibs won’t have it. He is intent on blaming the EAB for his leaving the Amiga scene, perhaps he should look at himself for blame instead of others for the reasons for him leaving.
@k1200rs21 – Amen sir! Long live the Amiga.
3 octobre 2020 à 13 h 39 min #100117gibs
- Level 9
- Messages : 978
uh ? this is not the case ? the reality is that Akira has started to insult me (dickhead, piece of shit),
while I never talk to this guy in my life.
Then I have answered him throught my blog (you have done the screenshot which proof there are no insults).
Then you have insulted me, while I never talk to you in my life. Note that I still haven’t insulted you.
Sorry to repeat myselft, but I need to remind it.« In this day and age you can’t go around Cyber bullying which in effect is what you did to another member of
the Amiga community, if you do – you get people like me who also exist in the community responding to it. »I don’t know which member you are refering but, if he has started to insult me (like Akira), it is possible.
« You come across as quite angry Mr. Gibs with an inability to hold your emotions »
I’m not angry. If I was, I would have insulted you… and Akira.
That’s true, I’m not able to hold my emotions when somebody insult me for a 7 years old story.
I had to answer. like you. like your friend Steril707 (I remember he was on the verge of tears when
some dudes have criticized his shmup).« instead of taking an offer to deescalate a situation you’ll reinforce how hard done by you are and seek sympathy via your blog and cancel your development work. »
An offer to deescalate the situation that you have escalated ?
I remind you that this is when I have posted on my blog that I was leaving the Amiga community (with
apologies if I have hurted somebody in the past) that you have insulted me. I started to wonder if you
were not going to organize some kind of beer party :)
Of course, I’m fed up now. What is the purpose of continuing on this plateform were people are trashing me ?« I can only conclude that you appear to like this sort of drama which is why you are still here. »
The famous ‘drama’ conclusion. the last bullet.
This is your conclusion. I can conclude that you like to insult weak people. The one’s that won’t
answer you.« The reason for my intervention here is because the EAB thread is linked here, and anyone looking at this thread
would think that Mr. Gibs has been harshly treated when in fact that is simply not the case. »Are you serious ?
« I offered to facilitate to help remove all of the content but Mr Gibs won’t have it. »
Maybe you did this because you are ashamed of what you wrote ?
To me, your 1st message sounds more somebody that came here to « finish me » by writting things omitting to give certain details. I remind you that you have
described me as an « unsavory character ». The « unsavoury character » that wanted to disapear with apologies, that has
never talked to you, that you have treaten as « bastard ». Is it hard to admit that Akira has started with « disgusting hate speech ».
Be honest.Talking about escalation, I don’t know this episode of BippyM asking to « do one » and I don’t know if
you have translated my french message, but keep in mind that if I want something to get removed on EAB, I
But then, he’s going to be upset, his readers will find he doesn’t have the power he claims and he is
going to cry… and I don’t want to ruins your beer party.Team Apollo
3 octobre 2020 à 13 h 52 min #100119astrofra
- Level 4
- Messages : 126
@mcgeezer ok, thanks for your answer.
I don’t plan to comment this topic (or at least I’ll try not to), back to work now, ‘will pursue my own gamedev and follow other people’s projects.www.astrofra.com | fra.planet-d.net
3 octobre 2020 à 14 h 46 min #100120mcgeezer
- Level 1
- Messages : 22
I’ve told you before Mr Gibs, I don’t care if you stay in the Amiga scene – it is none of my business.
I’ve not seen anyone trash your projects, I certainly haven’t and I have not seen anyone else trash them. Half of members of the PPA trash my projects but I don’t actually care what they think and neither does Steril about his shmup – again it is not relevant.
My issue with you is one of character and abusing others, I don’t like it and I find it very offensive – so yes, you have annoyed me, I don’t like seeing that shit what you wrote about others in the Amiga scene and neither does anyone else, you are the only one who seemed to find it funny.
As for insults Mr Gibs, I’ve not insulted you, yes I called you a « horrible bastard » but I think that’s well justified for what you wrote on your blog about Akira. Sorry if you consider that an insult but that’s the way I roll baby. If I really wanted to insult you then I would at you directly.
Mr Gibs, why don’t you just soft delete your blog posts, I’ll delete screen shots on my web server and then we can both request the EAB thread be removed – that way we conclude this, or we can leave it as is and let everyone make their own minds up. I’m not bothered what you choose.
3 octobre 2020 à 15 h 43 min #100122gibs
- Level 9
- Messages : 978
Is it that hard to understand that if Akira would not have started to insult me (dickhead/piece of shit) on EAB after 7 years, I would not have answered him via my blog ?
And if 5 days later I have answered via my blog, it was just because there was no moderations.
Everything stems from his own insults.
Team Apollo
3 octobre 2020 à 15 h 50 min #100123mcgeezer
- Level 1
- Messages : 22
Mr Gibs, So let me get this right, so just because Akira called you a « dickhead » you’re leaving the Amiga scene?
Is that what this amounts to for you is it?
3 octobre 2020 à 17 h 30 min #100124gibs
- Level 9
- Messages : 978
No, I’m fed up with this kind of ‘situation’.
The situation when at the end the judge (EAB) decide I’m guilty turns almost everybody against me.Whatever I do, the same people will spit at me and my projects.
What happened the 21th of september is a good example.I could handle that until now, but today, with the sanitare and economic crisis I prefer to use my strenght to focus on most important things.
If I don’t leave, the same situation is going to happen in 5 or 10 years.
Team Apollo
3 octobre 2020 à 19 h 41 min #100139mcgeezer
- Level 1
- Messages : 22
Who cares if people don’t like your projects, as long as you enjoy making them then that is all that counts.
You really can’t let people get to you like this because it will drive you mad and you’ll end up in a slagging match. And if people insult you over your projects then ignore them or explain to them why things are which way they are.
I’d encourage you to continue your project, it looks like a good well written game.
4 octobre 2020 à 15 h 14 min #100187Zarchos
- Level 0 - Newbie
- Messages : 7
It seems you lose your temper very quickly, and can’t help insulting people, even though they’ve not insulted you.
This ongoing thread tells it all :
Here is what you write at 13:48 :
‘You’re doing nothing else here but winding people up and you fucking well know it, now do us all a favour and fuck off to another forum.
@Mods – for Christ sake please ban me or ban this idiot so we don’t have to keep coming back to read this his nonsense. He is clearly not on the same planet as the rest of us and definitely not a fan of the Amiga.
‘Man, take your pills and grow up.
4 octobre 2020 à 15 h 34 min #100195gibs
- Level 9
- Messages : 978
2 days ago you told me I was unable to hold my emotions…
Team Apollo
4 octobre 2020 à 16 h 10 min #100197Zarchos
- Level 0 - Newbie
- Messages : 7
@mcgeezer 2 days ago you told me I was unable to hold my emotions…
Gibs, you’re French, you’re a good coder and a talented artist ( graphics and tunes ), and you have some balls.
That’s too much for people like McGeezer, you could take some fanboys he relies on to satisfy his ego.
Note he is using his coding ability to threaten the moderator(s) they have to choose between him and this person named Vascillious.
Quote : ‘@Mods – for Christ sake please ban me or ban this idiot so we don’t have to keep coming back to read this his nonsense’
That’s really childish and pathetic.
4 octobre 2020 à 17 h 06 min #100202StaffMutt2828
- Level 19
- Messages : 4976
Ce qui est sur, c’est qu’en ce bientôt 30ème anniversaire de SPEEDBALL 2
… les adversaires sont chaud … le match risque d’être GÉNIAL!
… je me demande juste s’il faut porter un masque pour jouer?
Et au fait qui a les bleus et qui a les rouges? Non, parce que … pour que ce soit équitable, je vous rappelle qu’il faut faire un roulement avec le même nombre de matchs disputés en tant que J1 – J2. Car celui qui se coltine tout le temps les rouges … il a le handicap du bug des remplaçants pour sa ligne de milieu de terrain!
Après c’est sur … si celui qui a les rouges est le plus fort … peut-être outrepassera-t-il le problème?
Et c’est réglé comment? One match? Best of Three? Best of Five? Est-ce que vous vous augmentez ou vous jouez comme ça à la dur … sans rien!?
Et, c’est sur quelle chaine d’ E-sport la diffusion?
Très belle chute Bud!
4 octobre 2020 à 18 h 59 min #100205k1200rs21 (RetroMiga)
- Level 8
- Messages : 682
Vascillious est un
Un Amiga fonctionnel s'est un Amiga avec au minimum 4 à 8 mo fast un disque dur ou équivalent aos 3.1 a 3.2.... pour du whdload donc utilisation du multi bouton dessus
- Le sujet ‘Miky’s Land (Gibs) en développement’ est fermé à de nouvelles réponses.