- Ce sujet contient 111 réponses, 1 participant et a été mis à jour pour la dernière fois par
Aladin, le il y a 2 années et 1 mois.
688 Attack Sub (1990 Electronic Arts)
A10 Tank Killer (1990-91 Dynamix)
A320 Airbus (1991-95 Rainer Bopf Software/Thalion)
Advanced Destroyer Simulator (1991 D Arnaud/Loriciel)
Air Support (1992 Psygnosis)
Air Warrior (1990-92 Kesmai/Online)
Armour Geddon 1 (1991 Psygnosis)
Armour Geddon 2 (1994 Psygnosis)
AV8B Harrier Assault (1992 Simis/Domark)
B17 Flying Fortress (1993 Microprose)
Bataille Navale 3D (1992-2019 Alain Bonney)
Battle Command (1990 Realtime/Ocean)
Battlehawks 1942 (1989 Lucasfilm)
Birds of Prey (1991 Argonaut/Electronic Arts)
Bismarck (1988 PSS)
Blue Angels (1989 Artech/Accolade)
Blue Max (1991 Three-Sixty/Mindscape)
Campaign 1 (1992 Empire)
Campaign 2 (1994 Empire)
Carrier Command (1988 Realtime/Rainbird)
Chuck Yeager’s AFT 2 (1991 Eldritch The Cat/Electronic Arts)
Coala (1995 Bitfusion/Empire)
Combat Air Patrol (1993 Maverick/Psygnosis)
Conflict Federation 1 & 2 (1997-1998 G Miller)
Das Boot (1991 Three-Sixty/Mindscape)
Dawn Patrol (1995 Rowan/Empire)
Desert Wolf (1996 Infinite Dreams/Seven Stars)
Destroyer (1988 Sculptured/Epyx)
Dogfight 80 Years (1993 Microprose)
DragonStrike (1990 Westwood/SSI)
Elite 1 (1988 Mr Micro/Firebird)
Elite 2 Frontier (1993 David Braben/Gametek)
Epic (1992 Digital Image Design/Ocean)
European Space Simulator (1989-92 Tomahawk/Coktel)
Exodus 3010 (1993 Temet/Demonware)
Eye of the Storm (1994 Electro Magnetic/Rebellion)
F117a NightHawk (1993 MPS Labs/Microprose)
F15 Eagle Strike (1991 Ultimate solution)
F15 Strike Eagle 2 (1991 MPS Labs/Microprose)
F16 Combat Pilot (1989 Black Box/Digital Intregration)
F19 Stealth Fighter (1990 Microprose)
F1 Tornado (1992 Quex/Zeppelin)
F29 Retaliator (1990 Digital Image Design/Ocean)
FA18 Interceptor (1988 Intellisoft/Electronic Arts)
Falcon (1989-91 Rowan/Mirrorsoft)
Federation of Free Traders (1989 Gremlin)
Fighter Bomber / Strike Aces (1990 Vektor Grafix/Activision)
Fighter Duel Pro (1992-93 Jaeger)
FireWall (1997 R Eisele)
Flight of the Intruder (1991 Rowan/Mirrorsoft)
Flight Path 737 (1987 Digigraphic/Anco)
Flight Simulator 2 (1986 sublogic)
Gunboat (1991 Black Hole/Accolade)
Gunship (1989 Microprose)
Gunship 2000 (1994 MPS Labs/Microprose)
Halley Project (1986 T Snyder/Mindscape)
Hunter Killer (1990 Solaco/Virgin)
Hunt for the Red October (1987 Oxford/Grandslam)
Jet (1988 sublogic)
Jet Pilot (1996 Vulcan)
JU52 Flight Simulator (1994 Rainer Bopf)
Jump Jet / Harrier Mission (1988 Anco)
Killing Cloud (1991 Vektor Grafix/Image works)
Knights of the Sky (1991 Microprose)
M1 Tank Platoon (1990 MPS Labs/Microprose)
Megafortress (1992 Artech/Mindscape)
MiG-29 Fulcrum (1991 Myomantic/Domark)
Mission Con-Bat (1988 Questrek)
Moonfall (1991 Evil 3/21st century)
Outpost Final Battle (1994 No Soft)
Overlord (1994 Rowan/Virgin)
Pacific Islands / Team Yankee 2 (1992 Mystery Machine/Empire)
Precision Approach (1989 Precision Approach)
Pro Flight (1991 Hisoft)
Reach for the Skies (1993 Rowan/Virgin)
Red Baron (1992 Dynamix)
Red Storm Rising (1990 MPS Labs/Microprose)
Sea Lance (1990 J Bauer)
Shadow of the Third Moon (1997 Black Blade/Titan)
Sherman M4 (1989 Loriciel)
Shuttle Space Flight Simulator (1992 Vektor Grafix/Virgin)
Silent Service 1 (1986 Microprose)
Silent Service 2 (1991 MPS Labs/Microprose)
Skyfox 1 (1986 Dynamix/Electronic Arts)
Skyfox 2 (1988 Dynamix/Electronic Arts)
Snow Strike (1990 Walking Circles/US Gold)
Solo Trek 2 (1986 CE Stewart )
Space Rogue (1990 Technology Works/origin)
Star Trek (1989 T Richter/AGATron)
Star Trek (1988 Twisted Images)
Star Trek Call to Arms (2000 F Mathieson)
Strikefleet (1991 LucasArts/Electronic Arts)
Strike Force Harrier (1988 Eigen/Mindscape)
Sub Battle Simulator (1988 Digital Illusions/Epyx)
Subwar 2050 (1994-95 Particle system/Microprose)
Super Huey UH-1X (1986 US Gold)
Team Yankee (1990 Oxford Digital/Empire)
Tactical Fighter Experiment (1997 Digital Image Design)
Their Finest Hour (1990 Lucasfilm)
ThunderHawk AH73M (1991 Core/Ubisoft)
Tornado (1994 Digital Integration)
Train Driver (1996-1997 Paul Robins)
USS John Young 1 (1990 Maitai/Magic Bytes)
USS John Young 2 (1991 Magic Bytes)
Warhead (1990 G Williams/Activision)
War In The Gulf (1993 Empire)
Wind Challengers (1992 Lindasoft)
Wings (1990 Cinamaware)
Wolfpack (1990 Novalogic/Mirrorsoft)
Xiphos (1990 Voodoo/Electronic Zoo)
Yachting (1993 S Scholz)
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