- Ce sujet contient 82 réponses, 1 participant et a été mis à jour pour la dernière fois par
Aladin, le il y a 1 année et 7 mois.
Absurde War of Bugs (2018 Crane)
Battle of the Blobs (1992 B Wyatt)
Battle Stink Beetles (1997 RW Benjamin)
Blob Kombat (1995 Pink Pig Software)
Brutal Homicide 1 (1997 P Lundwall/Rocten Interactive)
Brutal Homicide 2 (1998 P Lundwall/Rocten Interactive)
Burnout (1996 Scorpius/Vulcan)
Carnage (1995 J Carlson/Pandagun Software)
Chopper Duel (2023 iZero)
Close Quarters (1992 C Good/Valour Tech)
Cold Blooded Murder (2001 simonis)
Contentious (1996 Firstrate Effex)
Crave (1993 Dawnbringer)
Crush (1997 R Weber)
Die Big Breakthrou (1999 R Rakkola)
Die Filth (1990 Activas Washing Corporation)
Double Agent (1996 D Mowbray/Flair)
Droid Wars 1 à 5 (2002-04 J Berntsen)
Egg Blasters (1992 Midnight Coders)
Extreme Violence (1992 S Green)
Final Splat (1995 Raccoon Software)
Firepower (1996 J Daniels)
Galleons (1995 Sublime Software)
Greenies (1995 J Habgood/F1 Licenceware)
Ifo (1995 M van Crey)
Infiltrator (1994 Marco Vigelius)
Kargon (1996 APC TCP)
Knights (1994 Reaper)
Knockout (1996 B Wyatt)
Liminalia (2021 Earok)
Mangled Fenders (1995 P Storonskij)
Marathon (1995 P de Boer)
Maze Warz (1993 Sisys)
Mighty Nerd (1989 ISM)
Natural Born Killers (1997 S Banzi)
No Mans Land (1991 Oxygen)
One On One (1992 Scorpius)
Pallukat (1993 K Veijalainen)
Quick money (1992 B Campbell)
Ragnov (1988 Softeyes)
Rags (2001 Shades Productions)
Rattlesnake (1992 Odyssey)
Rectum (1992 Massive)
Renegades (1995 K Darbyshire)
Renegades Deluxe (2014 K Derbyshire/W Ashworth)
Scavenge (2010 JA Wright)
Senseless Violence (1993 C Prince)
Shootout (1995 F Otto)
Shootout 2 (1999 G Griffiths)
Shootout 2000 (2000 G Griffiths)
Shuffle Run (1992 Paradise Soft)
Skiddy Things Battle (1996 Gadge Software)
Snow Wars (2006 Wizzcat)
Speed Break (1996 NDC Foreveur)
Spodland (1997 A Crowe)
Spod Racer (1999 A Crowe)
Spy Vs Spy 1 (1989 First Star/Xicked)
Spy Vs Spy 2 (1989 First Star/Xicked)
Spy Vs Spy 3 (1989 First Star/Xicked)
Steel devils (1993 SSR/Wolf)
Super Combat 3 (1995 Hambo Productions)
Tactik Tank / Tank Attack (1992 P Kent)
Tag (1995 D Goodman)
Tank Attack (1995 Culture)
Tank Battle (1991 R Edwards)
Tank Buster (1989 Kingsoft)
Tank Combat (1992 RGBSoft)
Tanks Furry (2016 Project R3D)
Tank Hunter (1992 Paradise)
Tank Team (1991 P Ciulla)
Tank Wars (2006 Alternate Realities)
Tankkk (1996 KP Koljonen)
Tanks Massacre (1994 Necropolis)
Tanx N Stuff (1994 42° South)
Total Chaos City 2 (1997 Dobbin)
Trax (1993 J Lucas)
Trick Or Treat (1994 D Stewart)
Us N Them (1996 A Osswald)
Vendetta (1996 Firstrate Effex)
Volley 500 (2022 Tukinem)
War (1996 A Harrison)
Wheelchair Gladiators (1994 Hambo Productions)
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