Demoscene – Assembly 2017 – 26ème édition


Assembly 2017 Demoparty Commodore Amiga c64L’Assembly 2017, s’est déroulée la semaine passée, du 3 au 6 Aout à Helsinki en Finlande. Cette démo party mythique en était cette année à sa 26ème édition, la première datant de … 1992 !

Nous avons eu le droit cette année à quelques productions sur Commodore et Amiga en concours « Oldskool Demo ». Les productions Amiga semblent étrangement très mal classées puisque récoltants les 4 dernières places sur les 10 productions présentées. Et vous qu’en pensez vous ?

Vous pouvez comme d’accoutumée retrouver et télécharger toutes ces prods sur Pouet ou CSDb.


Les Résultats des concours

   _____   _______   _______   _______     ___ ___    _______ _____    ._____
._/  _  \_.\    _/___\    _/___\    _/__ _/   V   \_ /  _   :     |----|    |
|    _    | \___    / \___    /    _\   Y   _   _   Y   / _/_     |    |    |
|    Y    |_   Y    ._   Y    |_   Y    |_   \_/    |_  _   Y_    |    |    /
|    |    _/   |    _/   |    _/   |    _/    |     _/  /   _/    |\_     _/
|    |    |    :    |    :    |    :    |     |     |       |     |_|     |
|____|    |_____    |_____    :_____    ______|     ._______|\_____/|_____|
  .  |_____/   \____|    \____|    \____|     |_____|                    .
  .                                                                      |
  |                A s s e m b l y   2 o 1 7   3-6.8.2017                |
  :  .         .       _______   ______._____________.      .            :
  |  .    .    .      |       \ /      |      |      |      .    .       |
  |  |    .    :      |__     //   _   |__    |___   |      :    .    .  |
  `--|    |    |        /    /_.   /   | /    |/_    |      |    :    |--'
     `----.    |      ./    /  |       |/     | /    |      |    |----'    
          `---------- |________| ______|______|/_____| ----------' 

Scene Lounge: Animated Gif

1st 	670 		Heads Up! by KiiWi & Liisa 
2nd 	520 		Rolling Pineapple by elma
3rd 	389 		kalakotkas by tArzAn 
4th 	359 		Planet Doopis by blueflame

Scene Lounge: Tuplain

1st 	118 		Länsimetro by Zäk Kustöö 
2nd 	111 		match made in 2006 by sooda 
3rd 	86 		Popular Gabriel by Steamer2 
4th 	73 		Eesti Animoituna by branch 
5th 	54 		Here I Fixed It For You by Gargloom/Conspiraxess 	
6th 	46 		It's cold. Always. Cold. by Frost / Lynch 
7th 	36 		Popular Square by rimina 
8th 	12 		Darkness Lay Your Votedisk Upon Me by Consprazory 
8th 	12 		Tuplasiika by Atomimaitokahvi 
10th 	3 		skinned cat conspiracy by florist 

Floppy disk throwing

1st		57ft	buugie
2nd	 	54.8ft	iiKster
3rd		42.57ft	Gr4n

CD throwing

1st		52.9ft	Pete
2nd		39.1ft	buugie
3rd		37.7ft	Keskiyo


1st		Hurtat B
2nd		Team Yoss Saron - Hopes End
3rd		Fc VaPu

Fast Music

1st 	1039 		SuperDragonPowerTurbo by Dragon Ultra 
2nd 	600 		The 25th Year Assy Anthem by Jeff, Toveri Möyhö, Egg 	
3rd 	585 		neural network error by shinmai^McBB 
4th 	553 		Gargamel stole my unicorn by Old Moubit 
5th 	518 		Vulgar by Vaerkki 
6th 	511 		Party Hard by Jarsk1e 
7th 	503 		Tuliputki by Melodïcore 
8th 	481 		(2017-1992) + 1 = 26 by tArzAn 
9th 	334 		Assembly, 25 Years! by Skeletronic aka KiWi 
10th 	325 		vauhdikas by Luks 
11th 	316 		GG by ihanalammas 
12th 	267 		Anxiousnessembly by rawArgon 
13th 	216 		Amplified Assembling by Riku Salminen 
14th 	193 		funcblast.wav by exla 
15th 	181 		Sakarias by Teatime Crew 
16th 	166 		Dry by Carrox
17th 	128 		Congratz Asm! by Roz / Fit ^ Byterapers 

Listening Music

1st 	1164 		Dragons. Definitely Dragons. by Lauri Koskenniemi 
2nd 	864 		Deathnought Nautilus Stage by Duality Vile 
3rd 	813 		Semper Invicta by Aikapallo 	
4th 	788 		Chips of Steel by Skeletronic 
5th 	609 		Exit Dystopia by Paokala 
6th 	594 		Bittersweet Game Over by M.W.N.N. 
7th 	563 		Moonshine Reggae by Buzzer/Brainstorm
8th 	469 		Conventus Cantio by akole/npli 
9th 	423 		Can't Stop Now by Clusterloop & Tomi Ruuska 
10th 	369 		Sanguis (Assy Edit) by Mergente 
11th 	253 		Pure Bladestone by rawArgon 
12th 	180 		Intro by Maulwurf 
13th 	150 		Oodi taidottomalle by Piiska feat. Saari 

Dance Music

1st 	943 		Let My NES Move You 3 - Resurrection by M.W.N.N. 
2nd 	907 		Of These Stars, Which Shall Be My Home? by ruuvari/aspekt 
3rd 	841 		LAG by Maulwurf 
4th 	701 		Sunlight '06 by Avenum 	
5th 	619 		Blockheadchain by Proxii 	
6th 	596 		Heptagoon by Paokala 
7th 	522 		Kaasujalka by Melodïcore 
8th 	521 		Glitch City by Mafia Pineapple 
9th 	466 		Feel Alive by Mergente ft. Titanwire 
10th 	402 		Latin Space Covfefe by Yermungandor 
11th 	375 		Funktio by Signal 
12th 	289 		Answering Machine by Jarsk1e 


1st 	3647 		Beam me up by Wode / Doomsday 
2nd 	1786 		Crack Of Dawn by biini / dAMONES 
3rd 	1782 		Violetta by Mikko Karsisto 
4th 	1300 		Fiery breakfast by TTurrican 	
5th 	1134 		Expedition to Athena Prime IV by Janne Peippo 	
6th 	1090 		Sormiin sattuu by Foxmagon 
7th 	937 		Guardian Angel by DJ Joge /Brainstorm 
8th 	641 		Don't look at the world through black and white glasses by AK^ 
9th 	571 		Kaupungin valot / City lights by H7 / Accession & TRSI & HiRMU 
10th 	413 		The Quest Begins by Exca 
11th 	390 		good morning by Ooper 
12th 	293 		Pink Lady by B2 
13th 	133 		Bridge over troubled water by Tethys


1st 	3734 		Plague Brigade by Darkki 
2nd 	2020 		Target ETA at Meguro District Hyperloop: 7 Minutes by Janne Peippo 
3rd 	1966 		Heart of the forest by Partikle 
4th 	1869 		Since 1942 by NinjaBaka 
5th 	855 		Ruins of the ancient era by Plasticbunny
6th 	845 		Wrong planet!! by Elukka
7th 	638 		Jack in the box by Valtteri 
8th 	625 		My Lion is Dead by Aurora/NYRC 	
9th 	570 		Polygon Dreams by Dice / Doomsday 
10th 	482 		Kalashnikov Caricature by maxon / HBC  

Fast Graphics

1st 	2651 		Your vote matters by Darkki 
2nd 	1956 		Imposter by Tekotuotanto 
3rd 	1649 		Trololoomeow by Thanks Asm Orga and all Oldschool peeps 
4th 	1549 		Where did your vote go? by Plasticbunny
5th 	1380 		Bird Vote by Felor/HBC 	
6th 	1339 		I VOTED by Yermungandor 
7th 	726 		No can do by aarnis 
8th 	654 		Feline Suffrage by Pallosalama 
9th 	581 		The Stone Effect by maxon / HBC 
10th 	492 		The aliens already came by earlier by shinmai^McBB


1st 	2292 		Crisis Wing - Caravan Edition by Pieslice Productions 
2nd 	1725 		Medical Force: Overdrive! by Clusterloop
3rd 	1437 		Beach Ball Bears by Tikotus 
4th 	1373 		Trauma by Work In Progress 
5th 	1121 		Game of Ukkels: Japan Kaiki by Kepuli Games 
6th 	686 		Shotgun Dungeon by Juuso Soikkeli 
7th 	578 		FinSummerVR by Team Möns 
8th 	532 		Aamusimulaattori by Frans
9th 	376 		Just Fly Dat Thing by Miika Pelkonen, Anniina Aarnio, Henri Jukkala 
10th 	352 		PixelMaze by Juhapekka Piiroinen 
11th 	272 		MidSummerSurvival by Juho Metsävuori 
12th 	187 		Dark Commander by Teemu Miettinen
13th 	184 		UFO Shooter by FIVR AR/MR Lab 
14th 	172 		Hakkur by Saku Syngelmä 
15th 	94 		Bulldozage Inc. by Team Bulldozage

Real wild demo

1st 	4188 		Fader Abuse by Byproduct / SceneSat
2nd 	2618 		Technic 40 by Vanha Mediakunta 
3rd 	1991 		Esitys1 by tAAt 
4th 	1348 		Mankka v3.0 by exec 
5th 	1051 		Instanssi 2018 Invitation by Ivory Labs
6th 	1045 		I Saw A Peacock, With A Fiery Tail by kooma
7th 	892 		fancy dance moves by pasi toska 
8th 	629 		dmprty by Mehu 
9th 	336 		försäkringskassan by xinux & edvind 

Short film

1st 	3915 		antivirus2017.jpg.exe by SBA 
2nd 	2175 		Trinity by DatafoxStudios / Melodïcore feat. Iida 
3rd 	1668 		Hardcoded - Tribute to Oldskool by Extream
4th 	1431 		huonodemo.txt by Barely Coders 
5th 	1158 		Jallu Vision by Elite Dekkerz
6th 	642 		Traveling to Assembly by B2
7th 	506 		You can make a demo by sooda  

Oldskool Demo

1st 	4917 		My Summer Demo by Byterapers
2nd 	2140 		Broken by Quadtrip 	
3rd 	1799 		XV by hedelmae 
4th 	1439 		SillyVenture'17 Invitation by Dekadence + Mystic Bytes 
5th 	1278 		Deep Hyttynen by The Fiture Crew 
6th 	1211 		GoBIT by Adapt 	
7th 	954 		The Prophecy Returns by Nah-Kolor 
8th 	749 		Where we are going by Zenon 
9th 	591 		Kanaalin arvoitus by dA JoRMaS 
10th 	578 		Silent Winds by V-Nom  


1st 	5471 		VOLTRA by RIBBON 
2nd 	4328 		Shoot The Core 1K by Fulcrum 
3rd 	2329 		plasmifier by FruitieX 
4th 	1590 		Only entropy remains by Exca/Wide Load 
5th 	1150 		Sugarcube by Walther
6th 	750 		The Sound My Windows by Branch ^ Ivory Labs


1st 	3080 		Primordial Soup by Faemiyah 
2nd 	2137 		bloody brilliant by Pingviinituutti & FruitieX 	
3rd 	1668 		humppatunneli by mystran 
4th 	1543 		main by lucid 
5th 	1420 		Musiikkia ja visuaaleja by Kekegroup 
6th 	1381 		placeholder by provod 
7th 	1026 		Häiriökuilu by Luminaire 
8th 	630 		Golden Show by oo 
9th 	624 		EyEdiovisual by papumaja 
10th 	416 		realtime virginity by McBB 
11th 	268 		Plasma Lamp's Dance of Freedom by fatsopanda 
12th 	228 		Day in the life of admin by warek  


1st 	6300 		Down the Drain by ivory labs 
2nd 	5308 		Uusimaa by Deluxe & Premium 
3rd 	2680 		F. Collier by Quadtrip 


1st 	4275 		Zoomin by Adapt 
2nd 	2933 		Sokia by CNCD Fairlight 
3rd 	1643 		Geometry Gods by JUGZ 	
4th 	1452 		Extra by Epoch
5th 	1280 		fuzzy MUTATIONs by (pet/ronny) 
6th 	1178 		Alkaline by Pyrotech 
7th 	823 		de_bust funk de_lax by Rustbloom 
8th 	740 		Objectification by Melancholy 
9th 	326 		Bit of Light by Wide Load 
10th 	281 		Brainmelt by TPOLM 
11th 	252 		Alternative Bread Facts by U+1F35E 
12th 	197 		Attempt6 by KoomaDot 
13th 	105 		Muumiland by Karhoolina  


Jim Neray

Demoscene – Assembly 2017 – 26ème édition

  • Ce sujet contient 3 réponses, 4 participants et a été mis à jour pour la dernière fois par Jim Neray, le il y a 7 années et 7 mois.
  • Créateur
  • #10293
    Amiga France

        Assembly 2017 Demoparty Commodore Amiga c64L’Assembly 2017, s’est déroulée la semaine passée, du 3 au 6 Aout à Helsinki en Finlande. Cette démo party mythique en était cette année à sa 26ème édition, la première datant de … 1992 !

        Nous avons eu le droit cette année à quelques productions sur Commodore et Amiga en concours « Oldskool Demo ». Les productions Amiga semblent étrangement très mal classées puisque récoltants les 4 dernières places sur les 10 productions présentées. Et vous qu’en pensez vous ?

        Vous pouvez comme d’accoutumée retrouver et télécharger toutes ces prods sur Pouet ou CSDb.


        Les Résultats des concours

           _____   _______   _______   _______     ___ ___    _______ _____    ._____
        ._/  _  \_.\    _/___\    _/___\    _/__ _/   V   \_ /  _   :     |----|    |
        |    _    | \___    / \___    /    _\   Y   _   _   Y   / _/_     |    |    |
        |    Y    |_   Y    ._   Y    |_   Y    |_   \_/    |_  _   Y_    |    |    /
        |    |    _/   |    _/   |    _/   |    _/    |     _/  /   _/    |\_     _/
        |    |    |    :    |    :    |    :    |     |     |       |     |_|     |
        |____|    |_____    |_____    :_____    ______|     ._______|\_____/|_____|
          .  |_____/   \____|    \____|    \____|     |_____|                    .
          .                                                                      |
          |                A s s e m b l y   2 o 1 7   3-6.8.2017                |
          :  .         .       _______   ______._____________.      .            :
          |  .    .    .      |       \ /      |      |      |      .    .       |
          |  |    .    :      |__     //   _   |__    |___   |      :    .    .  |
          `--|    |    |        /    /_.   /   | /    |/_    |      |    :    |--'
             `----.    |      ./    /  |       |/     | /    |      |    |----'    
                  `---------- |________| ______|______|/_____| ----------' 
        Scene Lounge: Animated Gif
        1st 	670 		Heads Up! by KiiWi & Liisa 
        2nd 	520 		Rolling Pineapple by elma
        3rd 	389 		kalakotkas by tArzAn 
        4th 	359 		Planet Doopis by blueflame
        Scene Lounge: Tuplain
        1st 	118 		Länsimetro by Zäk Kustöö 
        2nd 	111 		match made in 2006 by sooda 
        3rd 	86 		Popular Gabriel by Steamer2 
        4th 	73 		Eesti Animoituna by branch 
        5th 	54 		Here I Fixed It For You by Gargloom/Conspiraxess 	
        6th 	46 		It's cold. Always. Cold. by Frost / Lynch 
        7th 	36 		Popular Square by rimina 
        8th 	12 		Darkness Lay Your Votedisk Upon Me by Consprazory 
        8th 	12 		Tuplasiika by Atomimaitokahvi 
        10th 	3 		skinned cat conspiracy by florist 
        Floppy disk throwing
        1st		57ft	buugie
        2nd	 	54.8ft	iiKster
        3rd		42.57ft	Gr4n
        CD throwing
        1st		52.9ft	Pete
        2nd		39.1ft	buugie
        3rd		37.7ft	Keskiyo
        1st		Hurtat B
        2nd		Team Yoss Saron - Hopes End
        3rd		Fc VaPu
        Fast Music
        1st 	1039 		SuperDragonPowerTurbo by Dragon Ultra 
        2nd 	600 		The 25th Year Assy Anthem by Jeff, Toveri Möyhö, Egg 	
        3rd 	585 		neural network error by shinmai^McBB 
        4th 	553 		Gargamel stole my unicorn by Old Moubit 
        5th 	518 		Vulgar by Vaerkki 
        6th 	511 		Party Hard by Jarsk1e 
        7th 	503 		Tuliputki by Melodïcore 
        8th 	481 		(2017-1992) + 1 = 26 by tArzAn 
        9th 	334 		Assembly, 25 Years! by Skeletronic aka KiWi 
        10th 	325 		vauhdikas by Luks 
        11th 	316 		GG by ihanalammas 
        12th 	267 		Anxiousnessembly by rawArgon 
        13th 	216 		Amplified Assembling by Riku Salminen 
        14th 	193 		funcblast.wav by exla 
        15th 	181 		Sakarias by Teatime Crew 
        16th 	166 		Dry by Carrox
        17th 	128 		Congratz Asm! by Roz / Fit ^ Byterapers 
        Listening Music
        1st 	1164 		Dragons. Definitely Dragons. by Lauri Koskenniemi 
        2nd 	864 		Deathnought Nautilus Stage by Duality Vile 
        3rd 	813 		Semper Invicta by Aikapallo 	
        4th 	788 		Chips of Steel by Skeletronic 
        5th 	609 		Exit Dystopia by Paokala 
        6th 	594 		Bittersweet Game Over by M.W.N.N. 
        7th 	563 		Moonshine Reggae by Buzzer/Brainstorm
        8th 	469 		Conventus Cantio by akole/npli 
        9th 	423 		Can't Stop Now by Clusterloop & Tomi Ruuska 
        10th 	369 		Sanguis (Assy Edit) by Mergente 
        11th 	253 		Pure Bladestone by rawArgon 
        12th 	180 		Intro by Maulwurf 
        13th 	150 		Oodi taidottomalle by Piiska feat. Saari 
        Dance Music
        1st 	943 		Let My NES Move You 3 - Resurrection by M.W.N.N. 
        2nd 	907 		Of These Stars, Which Shall Be My Home? by ruuvari/aspekt 
        3rd 	841 		LAG by Maulwurf 
        4th 	701 		Sunlight '06 by Avenum 	
        5th 	619 		Blockheadchain by Proxii 	
        6th 	596 		Heptagoon by Paokala 
        7th 	522 		Kaasujalka by Melodïcore 
        8th 	521 		Glitch City by Mafia Pineapple 
        9th 	466 		Feel Alive by Mergente ft. Titanwire 
        10th 	402 		Latin Space Covfefe by Yermungandor 
        11th 	375 		Funktio by Signal 
        12th 	289 		Answering Machine by Jarsk1e 
        1st 	3647 		Beam me up by Wode / Doomsday 
        2nd 	1786 		Crack Of Dawn by biini / dAMONES 
        3rd 	1782 		Violetta by Mikko Karsisto 
        4th 	1300 		Fiery breakfast by TTurrican 	
        5th 	1134 		Expedition to Athena Prime IV by Janne Peippo 	
        6th 	1090 		Sormiin sattuu by Foxmagon 
        7th 	937 		Guardian Angel by DJ Joge /Brainstorm 
        8th 	641 		Don't look at the world through black and white glasses by AK^ 
        9th 	571 		Kaupungin valot / City lights by H7 / Accession & TRSI & HiRMU 
        10th 	413 		The Quest Begins by Exca 
        11th 	390 		good morning by Ooper 
        12th 	293 		Pink Lady by B2 
        13th 	133 		Bridge over troubled water by Tethys
        1st 	3734 		Plague Brigade by Darkki 
        2nd 	2020 		Target ETA at Meguro District Hyperloop: 7 Minutes by Janne Peippo 
        3rd 	1966 		Heart of the forest by Partikle 
        4th 	1869 		Since 1942 by NinjaBaka 
        5th 	855 		Ruins of the ancient era by Plasticbunny
        6th 	845 		Wrong planet!! by Elukka
        7th 	638 		Jack in the box by Valtteri 
        8th 	625 		My Lion is Dead by Aurora/NYRC 	
        9th 	570 		Polygon Dreams by Dice / Doomsday 
        10th 	482 		Kalashnikov Caricature by maxon / HBC  
        Fast Graphics
        1st 	2651 		Your vote matters by Darkki 
        2nd 	1956 		Imposter by Tekotuotanto 
        3rd 	1649 		Trololoomeow by Thanks Asm Orga and all Oldschool peeps 
        4th 	1549 		Where did your vote go? by Plasticbunny
        5th 	1380 		Bird Vote by Felor/HBC 	
        6th 	1339 		I VOTED by Yermungandor 
        7th 	726 		No can do by aarnis 
        8th 	654 		Feline Suffrage by Pallosalama 
        9th 	581 		The Stone Effect by maxon / HBC 
        10th 	492 		The aliens already came by earlier by shinmai^McBB
        1st 	2292 		Crisis Wing - Caravan Edition by Pieslice Productions 
        2nd 	1725 		Medical Force: Overdrive! by Clusterloop
        3rd 	1437 		Beach Ball Bears by Tikotus 
        4th 	1373 		Trauma by Work In Progress 
        5th 	1121 		Game of Ukkels: Japan Kaiki by Kepuli Games 
        6th 	686 		Shotgun Dungeon by Juuso Soikkeli 
        7th 	578 		FinSummerVR by Team Möns 
        8th 	532 		Aamusimulaattori by Frans
        9th 	376 		Just Fly Dat Thing by Miika Pelkonen, Anniina Aarnio, Henri Jukkala 
        10th 	352 		PixelMaze by Juhapekka Piiroinen 
        11th 	272 		MidSummerSurvival by Juho Metsävuori 
        12th 	187 		Dark Commander by Teemu Miettinen
        13th 	184 		UFO Shooter by FIVR AR/MR Lab 
        14th 	172 		Hakkur by Saku Syngelmä 
        15th 	94 		Bulldozage Inc. by Team Bulldozage
        Real wild demo
        1st 	4188 		Fader Abuse by Byproduct / SceneSat
        2nd 	2618 		Technic 40 by Vanha Mediakunta 
        3rd 	1991 		Esitys1 by tAAt 
        4th 	1348 		Mankka v3.0 by exec 
        5th 	1051 		Instanssi 2018 Invitation by Ivory Labs
        6th 	1045 		I Saw A Peacock, With A Fiery Tail by kooma
        7th 	892 		fancy dance moves by pasi toska 
        8th 	629 		dmprty by Mehu 
        9th 	336 		försäkringskassan by xinux & edvind 
        Short film
        1st 	3915 		antivirus2017.jpg.exe by SBA 
        2nd 	2175 		Trinity by DatafoxStudios / Melodïcore feat. Iida 
        3rd 	1668 		Hardcoded - Tribute to Oldskool by Extream
        4th 	1431 		huonodemo.txt by Barely Coders 
        5th 	1158 		Jallu Vision by Elite Dekkerz
        6th 	642 		Traveling to Assembly by B2
        7th 	506 		You can make a demo by sooda  
        Oldskool Demo
        1st 	4917 		My Summer Demo by Byterapers
        2nd 	2140 		Broken by Quadtrip 	
        3rd 	1799 		XV by hedelmae 
        4th 	1439 		SillyVenture'17 Invitation by Dekadence + Mystic Bytes 
        5th 	1278 		Deep Hyttynen by The Fiture Crew 
        6th 	1211 		GoBIT by Adapt 	
        7th 	954 		The Prophecy Returns by Nah-Kolor 
        8th 	749 		Where we are going by Zenon 
        9th 	591 		Kanaalin arvoitus by dA JoRMaS 
        10th 	578 		Silent Winds by V-Nom  
        1st 	5471 		VOLTRA by RIBBON 
        2nd 	4328 		Shoot The Core 1K by Fulcrum 
        3rd 	2329 		plasmifier by FruitieX 
        4th 	1590 		Only entropy remains by Exca/Wide Load 
        5th 	1150 		Sugarcube by Walther
        6th 	750 		The Sound My Windows by Branch ^ Ivory Labs
        1st 	3080 		Primordial Soup by Faemiyah 
        2nd 	2137 		bloody brilliant by Pingviinituutti & FruitieX 	
        3rd 	1668 		humppatunneli by mystran 
        4th 	1543 		main by lucid 
        5th 	1420 		Musiikkia ja visuaaleja by Kekegroup 
        6th 	1381 		placeholder by provod 
        7th 	1026 		Häiriökuilu by Luminaire 
        8th 	630 		Golden Show by oo 
        9th 	624 		EyEdiovisual by papumaja 
        10th 	416 		realtime virginity by McBB 
        11th 	268 		Plasma Lamp's Dance of Freedom by fatsopanda 
        12th 	228 		Day in the life of admin by warek  
        1st 	6300 		Down the Drain by ivory labs 
        2nd 	5308 		Uusimaa by Deluxe & Premium 
        3rd 	2680 		F. Collier by Quadtrip 
        1st 	4275 		Zoomin by Adapt 
        2nd 	2933 		Sokia by CNCD Fairlight 
        3rd 	1643 		Geometry Gods by JUGZ 	
        4th 	1452 		Extra by Epoch
        5th 	1280 		fuzzy MUTATIONs by (pet/ronny) 
        6th 	1178 		Alkaline by Pyrotech 
        7th 	823 		de_bust funk de_lax by Rustbloom 
        8th 	740 		Objectification by Melancholy 
        9th 	326 		Bit of Light by Wide Load 
        10th 	281 		Brainmelt by TPOLM 
        11th 	252 		Alternative Bread Facts by U+1F35E 
        12th 	197 		Attempt6 by KoomaDot 
        13th 	105 		Muumiland by Karhoolina  


        Jim Neray

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      • Auteur
      • #10315
          • Level 6
          • Messages : 316

          Le problème c’est lorsque on mélange msx, pc, amiga aga, amiga ocs, atari st et C64 dans un concours, c’est difficile de pouvoir classer cela objectivement…


            • Level 22
            • Messages : 7801

            Je trouve que la 3d c’est peut être bien mais la 2d c’est mieux. :-p

            Il n’y a plus trop cet esprit de compétition sur amiga depuis un moment (en gros, faire plus avec moins avec peu :unsure: ), on prend de la puissance brute et roule ma poule, cela tourne comme cela tourne :yahoo:

            L’amiga était pourtant LA machine à démos en son temps. :unsure:

            A1200 Commodore mutant " FrankenAmiga" + 68040 + 8MO + SD 8go - A1200 ESCOM. HD 20MO. Mon meilleur et seul A500 : WinUae. CPC 6128-CPC 464.

            Jim Neray
              • Level 22
              • Messages : 7168

              @Zarnal : Il y  a quand même une certaine tendance au retour au démos A500 ce qui peut être un renouveau du challenge.

              @Pzawa : Tu as raison. Mais objectivement il y a quand même quelques prods très moyennes pour les plateformes bien classées. Plus moyennes que la prods arrivée 10ème de V-Nom par exemple.  :scratch:

              A500 - A500 Plus - A600 HD - A1200 - A2000 - A4000T - CD32 - C=64 - 1040STE - CPC6128
              Mon Amiga 500 Plus : A590, 2MB Chip, 2MB Fast, HD 1,2GB, Floppy ext.
              Mon Amiga 1200 : Blizzard 1220/4, 2MB Chip, 4MB Fast, HD 80GB, Overdrive CD

              - - La boutique Amiga -
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